Monday, January 4, 2010

Quick update

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. ----- Well, I just woke up. At midnight.

I had intended to take a one-hour nap from 7 to 8 p.m., waking up in time to watch the Fiesta Bowl. My alarm did, in fact, get me up. My exhausted brain and body wouldn't stay that way for much longer than shutting the alarm off, however.

I caught the last two minutes of the game, at least, and watched Boise pull yet another huge BCS upset. Congrats to them.

I plan on getting to Land Shark Stadium three or four hours before kickoff tomorrow, so expect some updates and news from the site of the Orange Bowl. I will also post my personal analysis of the game, complete with my score prediction.

Tomorrow is the big day - don't miss it on this blog, in the Herald or on your TV.

As for me, it's back to bed. If you haven't read the multiple posts below this, enjoy. If you have, thank you for reading and I hope you are enjoying my coverage of the game.

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